Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidz

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim bin HafidzSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Habib Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidz bin Abdullah bin Abu Bakr bin 'Aydrus bin' Umar bin 'Aydrus bin' Umar bin Abu Bakr bin 'Aydrus bin Husain bin al-Sheikh Abu Bakr bin Salim was a prominent theologian ahlil the temple of the birth of Tarim, Hadhramaut. He was born in the year 1332H. In addition to act with the famous ayahandanya pious, he also act with Habib 'Ali bin' Abdul-Rahman al-famed, Habib 'Abdullah bin' Umar asy-Syathiri, Habib 'Alwi bin' Abdullah bin Syihab and many more scholars Hadhramaut. She also has to roam Haramain, India, Pakistan and other places with the aim of the study. Finally he returned to Tarim, and establish the Majlis-Majlis ta'lim there to run the business in addition to dakwah areas outside. He has also been composing books including "Takmilah Zubdatul Hadits fil Faraidh" and "al-li Miftah Babin Nikah". Top height of knowledge and morals and kewarakannya, he was elected to the General Mufti of al-Tarim Ghanna.

Although it was a General Mufti, he still be very tawadhu and respect the teacher and the other scholars. Day-day dihabisi with various charities and the religious knowledge, so that once in a day and he mengendali present Majlis 16 - Majlis science. (Allahu Allah ... ... we see ourselves, the Majlis ta'lim once a week even jaded ... ... Allahu Allah).

In the propaganda, Habib Muhammad, famous in the rough road to the call of God and syariatNya. Vokalnya in the truth can not be so diacukan with the pistol he had stated the truth without fear and tremble. This makes vicious rebel communist government at that time, so that in Dzul Hijjah 1392H when he anakandanya Habib Umar and the new age of 9 years in beri'tikaf Tarim Mosque Jami `waiting time entering Friday prayer, Muhammad Habib was picked up by 2 people policy and taken to the adjacent hall. So that after the Friday prayer, Habib Muhammad did not return again. Since that time no khabar news about him and he does not know samada has died or is still alive. Many believe that he was a martyr killed by the communist rebels because khuatir akan kelantangan and his influence. Now the struggle dakwahnya forwarded by the student and he zuriat, which is a glorious Habib 'Umar bin Hafidz. Hopefully God to bestow upon keredhaanNya Habib Muhammad Bin Hafidz and gives us all the benefits of knowledge and blessing .... Al-Fatihah.


Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus AlhabsyiSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Father for the poor and orphans

He was concerned about the fate of poor and orphans. That's why he dijuluki as the father of orphans and poor.

Some Muslims in East Java, Surabaya in particular, of the Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi, a resident in Singapore in mid-20th century set. He was a great habib and scholars, who died in Singapore on the evening of Wednesday, 12 Rabi'ul Awal 1337 H / 1917 M. Jenazahnya dimakamkan in Funeral Gubah Ampel, Kompleks Masjid Ampel, Surabaya.
Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi better known as the ulama for poor and orphans. That's why Muslims menjulukinya as the "father of the poor and orphans." During his life he was diligent berdakwah to some areas. In dakwahnya trip, he never stayed in a hotel overnight in the house but one of habib.
Almost every day a lot of guests who visit to his house, some of them come from out of town. He always welcomed them with a happy and friendly. If guests can not afford it, he always mempersilakannya stay in their homes, and even gave him home along with some cost to his family gifts.
He also maintains a number of orphans who treat it like their own children. That's why they are considered as the father of Muhammad Habib matrix of their own. Not only provide them with beds, clothes and food, after they mature dinikahkan.

Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi born in the city Khala 'Rasyid, Hadramaut, Yemen, South in 1265 or 1845 H M. Since he was small by diasuh uncle, Shaleh Habib bin Muhammad Al-Ethiopia. Ayahandanya, Habib Idrus bin Muhammad Alhabsyi, berdakwah to Indonesia in 1919 and died in Jatiwangi M, Majalengka. Meanwhile, her mother, Syaikhah Sulumah bint Salim bin Sa'ad bin Smeer.

Just like the other scholars who, in the young Muhammad Habib also diligently prosecute religious knowledge to understand and very menguasainya. Some of the science of religion that he kuasai, among others, tafsir, hadith and fiqih. According to Habib Ali bin Muhammad Alhabsyi, a leading theologian, "Those of Hadramaut went to Indonesia to work and search for treasure, but our son of Muhammad bin Al-Idrus Ethiopia dakwah Islamiyyah to work in order to achieve the ash-shidqiyyah al-unsuccessful, maqam highest among the waliyullah. "
When the religious pilgrimage to Makkah and berziarah to Rasulullah SAW tomb in Medina, he now requires some knowledge to the scholars of the Al-Haramain alias two cities are holy. One of the great theologian who is a teacher Habib Husain bin Muhammad Al-Ethiopia.
Many people know Muhammad Habib as scholars who have a certain noble, and very generous. He was so friendly and loving, so that anyone who was sitting next to feel the most loved dirinyalah. He was always smiling, he said gently. That's all there is no other as it seeks meneladani akhlaq noble Prophet SAW.

No wonder if the people around her house, even in almost all of Surabaya, is love, respect and shrink them. He is also known as an interpreter of peace. Every time disagreements arise, conflict, contention between two people or two fihak, he always appears to find a solution and mendamaikannya. As much as anything and he can always finish it.

As a philanthropist, he is also known to be fond tampat worship. He, for example, help many of the construction of several mosques in Purwakarta (Central Java) and Jombang (East Java). He is also the first haul of the way providing waliyullah and shalihin. For the first time, he was the haul Habib bin Muhammad Al-Haddad Thahir in Tegal, Central Java. He is also a way to burial customs berziarah the awliya and shalihin.

Towards his death, he delivered the testament, "I wasiatkan to you to always remember Allah SWT. May Allah SWT keberkahan confer to you in the religion to uphold his wife, children and the house's maid tanggamu. Be careful, do not pooh-pooh this issue, because someone sometimes and get a natural disturbance caused by people under tanggungannya, the wife, children, and adjuvant. For, he is the holder of the control households. "


Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husein Ba’abud

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husein Ba’abudSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Habib Muhammad, so he always disapa, known as the Habib teachers in the area of Malang, and surrounding areas. Because He is the first time to open the boarding of the habaib in 1940. Can be ascertained, not Darun Nasyiien the establishment in Lawang, Malang, is boarding the habaib the first in Indonesia. Even if many of the institutions that stand habib before, usually just shaped madrasah, not boarding. Already many more uncounted alumnus Darun Nasyiien which the scholars across the country. Average they always wave the flag Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Alawiyin in a la Thariqah where they are.

Name Habib Muhammad bin Husain Ba'abud also never lost the hearts of Muslims of the city of Malang. Until now. Small Surabaya period in Al-Ustadz Habib Muhammad bin Husain was born in the area of Masjid Ampel Surabaya. Precisely in a family home, about 20 meters from the Masjid Ampel, on the evening of Wednesday 9 Dzulhijjah 1327 h. According to the story ayahandanya (Habib Husein), akan at birth, he ibunda (Syarifah Ni'mah) have difficulty to make them swoon. Habib Husein rushing to the house of Habib Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Yahya. Habib Abu Bakr to provide water given to the wife. Not long after diminumkannya water, and with the power of God, Syarifah Ni'mah birth safely. Habib Abu Bakar aqiqah order to be implemented with two goats, accompanied the message that do not have the time to invite someone walimah, except relatives Syarifah Ni'mah. Terlaksanalah walimah attended by Habib Abu Bakr. He also gave the name of Muhammad, along with reading do'a-Fatihah and do'a of his. At the age of 7 years old, Muhammad Habib berkhitan. Ayahandanya a large scale with walimah invite relatives.

After dikhitan, Habib Husein include her son was to Mu'allim Madrasah al-Abdullah al-Maskati al-Kabir, in accordance with the hint of Habib Abu Bakr. Akan but feel their children do not get many of the madrasah. Not long after learning, to include Habib Husein Al-Madrasah Khoiriyah, also in the area Ampel. Lessons in Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah that time was not as expected, due to the absence of the ability of the pengajarnya enough. Habib Muhammad also feel less get a lesson. But after four in the class, terbukalah the heart, especially after the arrival of the teachers from the Tarim, Hadramaut.

Among teachers is Qodir Abdul Habib bin Ahmad Bilfaqih and Abdulloh Habib Hasan bin al-Kaf. There are also other teachers who have sufficient ability, such as Abdurrohman Habib bin Nahsan bin Syahab. Habib Muhammad, the spirit of science in the draw was increasing, mainly due to the attention of Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muhdlor. Habib Muhammad felt the blessing of the views and do'a-do'a Habib Muhammad al-Muhdlor in the senate rouhah (theory) it. Habib Muhammad menghadirinya is very diligent and have read some books in front of him, also bernasyid Rosyafaat composition Abdurrohman bin Habib Abdulloh Bilfaqih with as-Saiyid Ali bin Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Yahya. Habib Muhammad al-Muhdlor dote and he often mendo'akannya. When Habib Muhammad felt that was getting futuh, and also benefit from the blessed knowledge.

Habib Muhammad increasingly thirsty with science subjects in the Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah. In the middle of the study that he often replaces the teachers teach, when they come berudzur. Until fate finally came good on education after almost six years. At the end of education, students who pass receive a graduation diploma. Ijazah was distributed directly by al-Habib Muhammad Muhdlor. Habib Muhammad appeared to occupy the first rank, of all students who pass the time. At the same time, al-Habib Muhammad Muhdlor endow a day bag brand Sima him. Happiness when the growing al-Habib Muhammad Muhdlor-Wipe the head and chest while still mendo'akannya. In the same time, Habib bin Ahmad bin Agil Agil (madrasah organizer) let you know that Muhammad Habib in the year that will raise to the teachers in Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah, place during this study. Besides teaching in the morning and afternoon Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah, Muhammad Habib also give religious lectures in various places. He also diligently to translate the lecture-the lecture mubaligh Islam who came from abroad, such as Syeikh Abdul Alim-Shiddiqi ash from India, etc..

H in the year 1348, exactly 22 Robi'utsani Thursday afternoon, ayahanda he menikahkannya with Syarifah Aisyah binti Saiyid Husain bin Muhammad Bilfaqih. Act as guardian marriage is his wife, siblings, Saiyid Husein bin Syeikh Bilfaqih that has to deputize Qodli Arab aqd in Surabaya that time, namely Habib Ahmad bin Hasan bin Smith. Walimatul ursy his wife at home, Nyamplungan Gg IV Surabaya. In this wedding mengaruniainya Allah SWT has six sons and eight daughters. They are Syifa ', Muznah, Ali, Khodijah, Sidah, Hasyim, Fathimah, Abdulloh, Abdurrohman, Alwi, Mary Alwiyah, Nur and Ibrohim. Switch to Malang Jumadil End In 1359 H, coinciding with the July 1940, Muhammad Habib with his family moved to Lawang, Malang. This district in the city he founded pondok pesantren and madrasah Darun Nasyiien, which authorized the establishment of the fall in H Rojab 1359, coinciding with the 5 August 1940. The establishment of the first hut itupun attention of outstanding scholars from the public land and Java. Some even came from outside deliberately Java. Several months after living in Lawang, ayahanda from Surabaya (Habib Husein) consecutive Lawang and moved to live with him.

When the Japanese colonizers came, Muhammad Habib had moved to live. Start from Karangploso, Simping, to Bambangan, which all still around Lawang. Activities mengajarnya also had to stop about 17 minutes, because at that time Japan ordered to close all schools and madrasah in all areas jajahannya. When the Dutch came back to colonize a second time, the madrasah had closed again for three months, considering that it is dangerous to the security at the time. Then since 1 April 1951, Muhammad Habib sekeluarga back to Jl. Pandowo until the end of hayatnya. Precisely in the house number 20, behind which there is a shack boarding, along with rooms santri, built a musholla Baitur Rohmah and classroom space-a good enough. At that time the committee as a trusted development architecture is at once his eldest son, Habib Ali bin Muhammad Ba'abud. Habib Muhammad rahmatullah to die on Wednesday at 10:20 on 18 Dzulhijjah 1413 h, coinciding with the 9 June 1993. Deceased corpse transported by many people to the funeral Bambangan, Lawang. Dimakamkan ago ayahanda on the side of the cemetery and he brother. Rohimahullohu rohmatal abror. Wa askannahul jannata Darul qoror. Tajri min tahtihal anhar. Aamiin ya Allohu ya Ghofuru ya Ghoffar.

A testament left by Muhammad Habib have some magic left by Muhammad Habib eligible direnungkan by Muslims anywhere.

Among wasiatnya that is,

1. Let them run-Sunna Sunna leader behavior or the messengers of Allah, Muhammad SAW Saiyidina, and should also follow the Sunna and the Caliph who have obtained the (al-Khulafaur Rosyidin). Whoever is not able to run all of that, at least not out of or depart from the road or the instructions Salafus Sholih, that is the ancestor of us and sholeh terbukti kewaliannya. And not get too taufiq hidayat for it all, at least he should meneladani to me, that is meneladani in ibadahku and khalwatku, also in the draw away from most people, along with a good perlakuanku against children and the great men and women, far and near, often without having to congregate or socialize much, and without each other and do not care or hate-hate each other.

2. Also should be very careful in hostile and disagree with everyone, in whatever and however.

3. Always ask God to love, or myself, and forgiveness for the istighfar read in accordance with the capacity of each on every time, especially in the days Asyura, Rajab and the month Ramadlan, Hajj, especially in the month where Allah SWT predestine akan wafatku.

4. Tighten belt at, for at that very giving effect to the keberkahan rizqi and one for someone dipanjangkannya age. Silaturohmi the show magnanimity character and get good marks in a day later. So be careful of your relationship rope decided, because it is a despicable act and it is very poignant siksanya. Silaturohmi someone decided that it was cursed, according to al-Quran nash and indicates that the faith is weak, people will not be cut off at heaven and smell the smell kesialannya lick on their neighbors. So strap sambunglah brotherhood, for rohim strap that depends on one tiangnya Throne of Allah SWT.

5. So that many beristikharah and deliberation in all things, and should always take the road of caution. Although the substance is careful not to get someone's destiny and God's provision, but will not be running for the left. Precisely because it is testament to the message or advice, and the required and recommended, because all that is in one of the men to invite God and invites them to happiness and salvation of the world hereafter.

May Allah SWT lavish love on those who love to give advice, and reply to them with the abundant goodness, and hope that Allah Ta'ala taufiq give him to us.


Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husein Alaydrus (Habib Neon)

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husein Alaydrus (Habib Neon)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

He was one of the scholars who become the torch in zamannya. Light ahlaqnya scholarly and become a precedent for those who follow ulama salaf

One night, a few years ago, when thousands of Jamaah taklim in the middle of a mosque in Surabaya, sudden power off. Of course they are worried at that, a scene. They come out one by one, let alone that night the full moon days. When it is visible from a distance someone walking toward the mosque. He put gamis and sorban white, berselempang green cloth pleased. He is Habib Muhammad bin Husain bin Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad Alaydrus born when he is given the distinguished name of Muhammad.
Once entering the mosque, bin strange magic, suddenly seems very clear the mosque there is a neon light on. In fact, Muhammad Habib does not carry torch or lamp. The Jamaah great surprise. What happened? After the note, the light was very bright out of the body habib. Unbelievable! So, since it got the nickname habib Habib Neon ...
Habib Muhammad was born in Tarim, Hadramaut, in 1888 M. Although he was a waliyullah, karamahnya not so visible among the general public. Only the scholars or the wise guardian alone can know karamah Habib Neon. Since he got little of religious education ayahandanya, Habib Husein bin Zainal Abidin Alaydrus. Towards the adult he wander to Singapore for a few months later to Hijrah to Palembang, South Sumatra, to act uncle, Habib Musthafa Alaydrus, then married cousin, Aisyah binti Musthafa Alaydrus. From that marriage he was God's three sons and a daughter.
Not long after he Hijrah with his family to Pekalongan, Central Java, assisting dakwah Tholib Habib Ahmad bin Al-Atthas. Some time later he Hijrah again, this time to Surabaya. When Singapore was famous as a gathering place for scholars and awliya, such as Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muhdhor, Habib bin Muhammad Al-Idrus Ethiopia, Habib Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Yahya.
During the stay in Surabaya, Muhammad Habib berziarah like, among others, to the tomb guardian and scholars in Kudus, Central Java, and Tuban, East Java. In the pilgrimage that is, it seems he never met with the ruhaniah guardian kharismatik, (Alm) Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf, Gresik.
Open House
As well as the guardian of another, Muhammad Habib also strong in the worship. Every time he always use to berdzikir and bershalawat. And the most amazing, he never refused to attend the invitation of the poor. All the things that he always think about and talk about things related to religious truth, and never talk about the problem that is not useful.
He is also considering issues faced by other people. Therefore, every hour 10 am to Dhuhur time, he was always an open house for menmui and entertain our guests from all over, even from abroad. Some guests claim to, talked with him very pleasant and comfortable as always, cheerful face and clear.
While the time between Maghrib and Isya perguankan it to examine the books of worship and charity akhlaq the salaf. And every Friday he mengelar reading Burdah with jamaahnya.
He is frequently requested by citizens advice around the house, especially in issues of daily life, the problem of household, and community problem-other problem. That's all he was happy with the receipt and hands open. And perhaps, he already knows what will be, so that the guests nod-nod, between wonder and satisfied. Moreover, if the road and then get out. "It's also that I know directly. He is my teacher, "said Habib bin Mustafa Abdullah Alaydrus, menantunya and niece, who is also head Taklim Assembly Syamsi Syumus, Tebet Timur Dalam Raya, South Jakarta.
Between the behavior mujahadah (tirakat) is conducting a fast for seven years, and only berbuka sahur and dining with seven grains korma. Even once he fasted for a year, and only berbuka and sahur with a very little wheat. To open quota sahur and fasting during the year that he will only provide as many as five wheat mud only. And that was also done by the Imam Gahazali. Mud is a 675 gram. "I love books examine mysticism. Then I also tested with the soul of worship mimics the salaf is told in the scriptures is salaf, "he said.
Habib Neon died on 30 Jumadil Awwal 1389 H / M 22 June 1969 in the age of 71 years, and in jenazahnya dimakamkan Park Funeral General Pegirikan, Surabaya, next to the graves of law and uncle, Mustafa Habib Alaydrus, in accordance with wasiatnya. After he died, followed by activities dakwahnya the third son, Sheikh Habib bin Muhammad Alaydrus with the opening in the Assembly Burdah Ketapang Small, Surabaya. Haul Habib Neon held every Thursday at the end of the month Jumadil Start.


Beneficiary Confidential Imam Ali Zainal Abidin

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husain al-Aydrus was born in the city of Tarim Hadramaut. Guardian and sir, he is not so visible among the general public. However, among the 'person billah degrees and karomah he is not a stranger anymore, because he is more often bermuamalah own and interact with them.

Since small educated and Muhammad habib diasuh directly by his own father'Arifbillah al-Habib Husein bin Zainal Abidin al-Aydrus. Once he is considered mature enough by her father, she al-Habib Muhammad with a strong confidence in Allah SWT wander to Singapore.

ألم تكن أرض الله واسعة فتهاجروا فيها

Is not God's earth is wide, so you can leave it in the earth? (Q.S an-Nisa ': 97)

After a wander to Singapore, he moved to Palembang, South Sumatra. In this city he was married and a daughter. From Jakarta, he continue to perantauannya Pekalongan, Central Java, a city which is the silent meeting he witnessed for the first time with Quthb al-Imam al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr as-Seggaf, Gresik. In Pekalongan, he also often accompanies Tholib Habib bin Ahmad al-Atthos.

From the Pekalongan pidah him to Surabaya where Musthafa Habib al-Aydrus that is not another uncle lived. A poet, al-Hariri had said:

وحب البلاد فأيها أرضاك فاختره وطن

Cintailah countries which are fun for you and make (the land) where tinggalmu

Finally he decided to live with uncle in Surabaya, which was popular in the community as a place of gathering Hadramaut the auliaillah. Including Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muhdor, Habib bin Muhammad Al-Idrus Ethiopia, Habib Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Yahya and more habaib the scent of the city of Surabaya at that time. During the settling in Surabaya also Habib Muhammad al-Aydrus still like berziarah, especially to the Holy city of Tuban and during 1-2 months.

It is said that the Sayyid's family Zainal Abidin (family father Habib Muhammad) are of the sons of Sayyid 'Alawy selected and the best because they inherit asrar (secret-secret). Start from the father, grandfather and great-grandfather grandfather grandfather-he was clear that they have maqam in the sight of Allah SWT. They are experts tashawuf science and culture that has been dive ma'rifatullah science, so we ought to make for him-he figures as a precedent.

Diriwayatkan from a book of family manaqib al-Habib Zainal Abidin has some length the uterus is able to meet its 10 warehouses books science ma'qul / manqul simultaneously sciences furu '(branches) and ushul (core) that is written based on the theorem-proof clear that the results could be that, as has been told that by the experts and specialists (the ashlafuna ash-sholihin).

Habib Muhammad al-Aydrus type of person who is retiring, a little bed and breakfast. Each person to berziarah he certainly feels comfortable and happy because he looked a cheerful face to the beam nur (light). Every time he use to always berdzikir and the progenitor bersholawat he Rasulullah SAW. He is also like an invitation to meet the poor. Each talk out of the mouth, he always valued truth-even truth bitter consequences. No one from the Muslims that he khianati, especially persecuted.

Every day 10am to dzuhur he always menyempatkan for openhouse entertain the guests who come from all over the city, and even have some of the world. While the time between maghrib until ISYA 'he use to examine books that depict the journey salaf. Every Friday night he was reading the Burdah with the jamaahnya.

He al-Habib Muhammad al-Aydrus is heir karateristik Imam Ali Zainal Abidin who haliyah is very noble and honorable. He also has a high maqam rare inherited from generation to generation-successor. In this case, al-Imam Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad has been in their menyifati string syairnya:

ثبتوا على قدم النبى والصحب # والتابعين لهم فسل وتتبع
ومضو على قصد السبيل الى العلى # قدما على قدم بجد أوزع

_Mereka Remain in the impression of the Prophet and the companions
Also the tabi'in. But ask him and follow jejaknya_

_Mereka Way to browse kemulyaan and altitude
Step by step (they browse) with persistence and kesungguhan_

Among his mujahadah ra, for 7 years and not fast berbuka except with only 7 grains dates. He also had for 1 year but not to eat mud just 5. He once said, "In the beginning, I love books examine mysticism. I also always test this with my soul forge their struggle (the salaf) tersurat in the scriptures that ".

(Adapted from the manuscript-length Habib sheik Musawa Surabaya)


Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abdullah Alaydrus

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abdullah AlaydrusSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Habib Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Syeikh bin Abdullah bin Syeikh Alaydrus bin Abdullah bin Abubakar As-Sakran born in the city of Tarim year 970H. He is growing up as a devout who have a certain noble upbringing thanks to his father. His grandfather, Syeikh Habib, who then lived in India, to hear the depth of knowledge and sublime budinya, then in the year 989H, he ask the grandchildren to be moved to Ahmad Abad, India. In India, he digembleng again by Her grandfather for two years so that full knowledge keberkahan growing rapidly.

In addition to the depth of knowledge and sublime pekertinya, he is also known philanthropist. Population India: Muslim or heathen, it is mempercayainya. This is easier for him to continue the propaganda that has been dirintis Her grandfather. For, before died in 990H, Habib Syeikh as he has the kholifahnya.

Good readers, Idhohul Asrori Ulumil Muqorrobin is one of his works. Anyone reading it would understand broad insight habib Alaydrus Muhammad. In this book he replied selok turn nafs and hawa, and reveal how both play a role in human life.

Habib Abdullah bin Alwi Al-Haddad said, "Scripture Idhohul Asrori Ulumil Muqorrobin the core teachings of mysticism." That is why this book is unrelenting in the senate he learned. Each time the claimant mengkhatamkannya knowledge, knowledge that another claimant to begin from scratch again (Idhohul Asrori Ulumil Muqorrobin: p. 5).


Al-Habib Ja’far bin Syaikhan Assegaf

Al-Habib Ja’far bin Syaikhan AssegafSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

He is Al-Habib bin Syaikhan Ja'far bin Ali bin Hasyim bin Syeikh bin Muhammad bin Hasyim Assegaf. He was born in the city Ghurfah, Hadramaut in the year 1298 H. As most of the salaf Bani Alawi, since the little education he got from his father, Al-Habib Ali bin Syaikhan Assegaf. In addition to the knowledge he demands his father, he also take the knowledge of scholars, scholars of the Hadramaut, including:

Al-Habib Umar bin Idrus Alhabsyi (author Iqdul Yawaaqit)

Al-Imam Al-Qutub Al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad Alhabsyi

Al-Imam Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Alatas

Several years later, he Go to the city of Makkah for the Hajj. The spirit of science to claim he never seemingly pupus. Opportunity he was not in the city of Makkah, he wasted sia. That he use the opportunity to claim knowledge of the scholars who were there, including:

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husin Alhabsyi

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim As-Sirry

After the city of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, he returns to his city, Ghurfah. There and then he was a priest Ghurfah jami mosque. He lived in the city for 8 years. After that he moved to the city of Tarim. There he is taught in the Tarim Rubath, a school that many ulama-ulama print large. In the city of Tarim, he lived for 2 years. Then after that, he emigrated to Australia and live in the city Bondowoso. Not long after, he moved to ago Pasuruan city and settle there.

In the city of Pasuruan, he put a flag berdakwah laa ilaaha illallah. He opened taklim Majlis and invite people to the religion of God. Personality that he learned the reason the place, looking for protection and pengayom community. He was always giving advice, guidance and advice in the right direction. Morals he imitate the preceding full of nature tawadhu, patient, and friendly. It does not take it all but from the morals-morals of Rasulullah SAW.

If he receives guests, he Himself pours drinks for the guests and he refused if there are other people who want to replace it. See the depth of his knowledge, especially in science and commentary along with his moral greatness, Al-Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad Almuhdhor never said that he is Al-Qur'an that are running. That situation, he becomes a figure for the family and community.

Life continues to revolve, and he always filled with goodness. Until at a time where God wanted calls. Berpulanglah he go mardhotillah on Monday, 14 Jumadil Akhir 1374 AH Jasad ago he be buried next to the mosque jami Pasuruan.

That's life as he profiles the man with full of goodness and glory. Although he has die, ruh life, he always gives the heart-mind ... fill pengenangnya-hand side of the pecintanya ...

Radhiyallahu anhu wa ardhah ...

[Disarikan from the Ulama of Islam in Indonesia and its surroundings, Muhammad Assegaf Syamsu and from various other sources]


Al-Habib Husein bin Hadi Al-Hamid

Al-Habib Husein bin Hadi Al-HamidSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The back length Waliyullah

Habib Husein Waliyullah including one that was long and far from diseases. Selian, he was until the end of hayatnya never absent dawn prayer in congregation

Village Brani Kulon, Kraksan, Probolinggo (East Java), Habib who have a long-lived, he died in the age of 124 years. When asked why he does not have the disease?
"In my heart, do not have the least sense of envy and spite against the people," said Habib Husein bin Hadi bin Salim al-Hamid.
In addition, the key to long-lived Habib Husein is not because he istiqamah the dawn prayer in the mosque berjemaah go in and walk about one hour. Habib Husein walk while each berdakwah, every place that he lalui always bring it Rahmah. He was walking from her home in the village Brani around or to the market. Walk every morning, all the blood circulation in the body so well. Dihirup fresh air that make the body remains fresh prime, that is one of the privileges of the dawn prayer.
Habib Husein itself was born in Hadramaut, Yemen South in the year 1862 from M pair Habib Hadi bin Salim al-Hamid and Umm Hani. From small, Habib Husein educated directly by both parents that. Should note, Habib Hadi bin Salim Al-Hamid, ayahanda Habib Husein, known as one of the famous guardian in Hadramaut. Habib Husein raised until the age of 86 years in the Hadramaut.
For now, the age of 86 years that have entered the twilight age, very old in which people have started to lose strength and gairahnya. But for Habib Husein, age is classified as young. Strength is not much different from the young age at this time. That is one of the strengths Habib Husein.
At the age of 86 years or precisely M 1929, he was still happy to roam to different countries. Including the use Hujarat to sea with Arab merchant-trader who trade melanglang Buana to various countries. Since then, he left Yemen, Habib Husein and never come back to it.
Approximately 2 years, Habib Husein live in Gujarat. While in Gujarat, he act on the local scholars and trade. After that, he returned to Indonesia with the rogue use of the merchant ship Batavia. Not long later, he again roam to different areas and eventually he came to the city of Pekalongan. In this city, Habib Husein and then act like a guardian at large, namely Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Thalib Alattas up to several years.
To auliya 'which is very popular in the city of Pekalongan, Habib Husein act in addition to knowledge of birth, it also deepens spiritual knowledge. As a sign that Habib Husein has reached the maqam guardian mumpuni, a prize he sorban (white) and white skull cap of Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Tholib Alattas.
Top message Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Tholib Alattas (Pekalongan), Habib Husein and knowledge to hone Habib Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Muhdhor, which is not another teacher from Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Tholib Alatas. During a student Muhammad Habib, Habib Husein menadapat always commands to berdakwah to different regions.
One of the last duty of the teacher, Habib Husein was to spread propaganda to Brani Kulon, District Maron, Kabupaten Probolinggo, East Java. He entered to the remote village of about 1939. Conditions at that time still a village Brani wilderness and haunt it. It seems, indeed deliberately Habib Husein membrantas charged for the robber to return to the path of Allah SWT.
Once in the Habib Husein live Brani Kulon, he immediately opened and dakwah dakwahnya that is widely accepted to all corners of Probolinggo Kab. Not be as easy, Habib Husein not occupy the house in luxury Brani. He must chop first base, he even stay alive in one of the local population.
Despite only stay alive, he remains persistent berdakwah in order to spread the teachings of Islam. Although the place of residence ride, but the spread of Islam never stop until he successfully established and small boarding. In the village he was also the period lajangnya.
In a trip with the habaib from berziarah to Makam Habib Husein bin Abdullah Alaydrus (Kramat Foreign Trunk, Penjaringan, North Jakarta). Habib Husein in the train was forced to provide a place duduknya by a disheveled young man and only the T-shirt. Saw a young man standing in front of it, then stand Habib Husein while submitting the duduknya is foreign to the youth. After some time dialoguing and Habib Husein give money stock remaining in the youth. Not long, the youth suddenly disappeared so that foreigners only. When friends Habib Husein mendapatinya alone, and ask about the existence of the foreign youth before, Habib Husein said, "He that is Nabiyallah Khiddir Alaihi Salam."
Habib Husein Amaliah not only balance with the worship of Allah SWT (hablumminnallah), he also formed a close relationship with the people (hablumminannas). Habib Husein often walk to the market and traders see the goods dagangannya not even out of stock or not sold at all. Habib Husein not linger buy goods from merchants in the market so that the traders did not suffer losses, or at least get the benefit of the traders. Obviously with the balance amaliah that, dakwahnya well received by the public.
Not only that, in a scientific problem, the PP santri Aswaja Kulon Brani very Habib Husein trust if it is a bead of Syeikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani. Ikhwalnya nickname he got gout Jaelani Syeikh Abdul Qadir, was when Habib Ahmad, a friend had bermunajat to God in order to meet with Syeikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani. In dreams, he dipertemukan with Jaelani Syeikh Abdul Qadir bersorban the white, and when didekati fact that the face is the face Habib Husein bin Hadi al-Hamid.
As many know, Habib Husein frequently visited by the Habaib in their time as one of habib known as one of the combatants RI Habib Soleh embankment (Jember). Habib Husein also have a special closeness with Habib Abdullah bin Abdul Qadir Bilfaqih (Darul Hadith, Malang), and others. Even children and grandchildren descended from Habib Husein many incoming pesantrens Darul Hadith, such as Habib Muhammad Shodiq (children), Habib Abdul Qadir (grandson), Habib Salim (grandchildren). Now boarding survival Habib Husein in foster by Abdul Qadir bin Muh Shadiq bin Husain Al-Hamid.
Habib Husein died Friday Legi, 11 Safar 1406 H/25 January 1986. Jenazahnya then makamkan in the north of Masjid Al Mubarok, Pondok Pesantren complex Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah, Brani Kulon village, Subdistrict Maron, Probolinggo, East Java.

disarikan from Manakib Habib Husein organized by Habib Abdul Qadir bin Muhammad bin Husain bin Shodiq Al-Hamid.


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