Al-Habib Abdullah bin Ali Al-Haddad

Al-Habib Abdullah bin Ali Al-HaddadSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

He was born in the city of Hawi, Tarim, on 2 Rajab 1261 AH Since the little education he get directly from both his parents. This is indeed is a characteristic of the ulama salaf Bani Alawi, who most of them since the small pupil-parents directly by their parents.

Tread adult age, he act like the great scholars who have in the city of Tarim. Among his teachers are:

Hamid al-Habib Umar bin Bafaraj

Al-Habib Umar bin Al-Hasan Alhaddad

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Ibrahim Bilfagih

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abdurrahman Almasyhur (Tarim mufti at that time)

Al-Habib Umar bin Idrus Alhabsyi (author of the book Iqdul Yawaaqit)

Muhsin Al-Habib Alwi bin Assegaf

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Sheikh Jamalul Lail

Not only that, he also traveled far to claim that knowledge useful to the scholars in other areas. He took knowledge from the teachers of his, including:

Asy-Sheikh Sa'id bin Isa Al-Amudi (Damun)

Thahir al-Habib Umar bin Alhaddad (Damun)

Asy-Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdullah Basaudan (Geidun)

Al-Habib Ahmad bin Muhammad Almuhdhor (Huwaireh)

In the year 1295 H, Go to him to the ground to the Haram the Hajj. In the city of Makkah, he stayed at the residence of Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husin Alhabsyi in the area Jarwal. There they co-exist with shared reading books religions. At the time in the city of Medina, he met with the asy-Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Mukti bin Muhammad Al-doom, a fagih and language specialists and kesustraan arab, and the author of the book Al-maulud punishment. There are also both co-exist with each other to provide competent.

In the year 1297 H, he is doing Hijrah in order to land berdakwah Malay. Place the beginning of the course he is Singapore, then he go to Johor. Johor in this he lived for 4 years. After that he pursue dakwahnya to Java. So he was in the area of Betawi. Ago to continue his journey to the city of Bogor, Solo and Surabaya. He was not interested in living in cities, although it invited local residents to settle in the city.

Until finally in the year 1301 H, precisely the end of Syawal, he arrived in the city Bangil. Therein he found a suitable place to settle and berdakwah. Start the Majlis, he opened taklim and rauhah in his residence in the city Bangil. He also developed dakwah Islamiyyah in other areas around the city Bangil. There he also practice with the knowledge to teach his disciples. Presence in the city he Bangil bring death for many people in the city. Not too infrequently, people from out of town to come to the city with the aim to take advantage of him.

He was a very generous and very attention to the poor. He is a man who does not like attributes with the luster. He does not like difoto or painted. Tried several times to difoto without him, but the image is not damaged or so. He is a man who has tawadhu nature. He always emphasized to the students for not arrogant, boastful and riya. Dakwah that he is running solely keridhaan God only expects Azza wa Jalla. And this is a flag that is not propaganda, he is all the other roads that have been adopted by the preceding.

Day by day he mengemban Go with the task of propaganda, an activity that can gladden the heart of Rasulullah SAW and progenitor datuknya-RA, an activity that brings people from darkness to the light of faith. That activity, he day-to-day. Until the time, he was called by the Creator. He died on Friday, 15 H Shofar 1331, after conducting prayers Ashar. Berpulanglah he Rabbul alamin to the charity with which he both plant during his lifetime ... keridhaan die in his shadow ... die in him.


Al-Habib Abdullah bin Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad BalFaqih

Al-Habib Abdullah bin Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad BalFaqihSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Habib 'Abdullah bin' Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al Balfaqih @ BilFagih-'Alawi are distinguished scholars who learned in the science of hadith. He replaces ayahandanya Habib 'Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad Balfaqih as a successor to lead and educate the boarding diasaskan ayahandanya on 12 Rabi `ul Awwal 1364 / 12 February 1945 in the city of Malang, East Java. Not familiar with the Pondok Pesantren Darul Hadith al-Faqihiyyah Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. Pesantren this gave birth to many scholars who then scattered in all pelusuk archipelago. Have been partly the impression step with their teacher to open the boarding-boarding for broadcasting propaganda and science, which is al-Habib Ahmad Ethiopia (PP-Ar Riyadh, Palembang), Muhammad Habib Ba'Abud (PP Darun Nasyi-in, Lawang), chaplain Hajj 'Alawi Muhammad (PP at-Taroqy, Sampang, Madura)


Al-Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad Al Bilfagih-Alawy

Al-Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad Al Bilfagih-AlawySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thousands Hadits memorize

Flowers in the City, Malang, East Java, have a auliya 'the height of knowledge as well. He also memorize thousands of hadith, together with sanad-sanadnya.

Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad Al Bilfaqih-Alawy was born in the city of Tarim, Hadramaut, on Tuesday 15 Safar 1316 years H/1896 M. The birth at the same time, one of the great scholars, Habib Hasyim bin Syaikhan Assegaf, a dream to meet Sulthanul Auliya 'sheik Abdul Qadir Jailani. In the dream that sheik Abdul Qadir Jailani commend the book of holy Al-Quranul to Karim Habib Hasyim bin Syaikhan Assegaf that was given to Muhammad Habib Ahmad bin Bilfagih.

Morning Syaikhan Habib told to Habib Ahmad dreams. Habib Ahmad Habib hear stories from Syaikhan, and then said, "Alhamdulillah, last night I was a son of Allah SWT. Such signaling takwil mimpimu meet sheik Abdul Qadir Jailani commend the Al-Karim Quranul that presented to me. Therefore, putraku this kuberi name of Abdul Qadir, the hope, provide the name of Allah SWT maqam and his guardian, as sheik Abdul Qadir Jailani. "

Thus, then name Habib Ahmad Abdul Qadir expect blessing because (tafa'ul) so that science and maqam such as sheik Abdul Qadir Abdul Qadir Jaelani.

Since small, she is very diligent and zealous in the search for knowledge. As a student, he is very smart and is known in the fleet to receive lessons. During the youth, he was known as the person who has great attention to the science and put a high tribute to the teachers. Is not called when the science does not glorify glorify expert knowledge, so that philosophy in mind terpatri Habib Abdul Qadir.

Never a time when the demands on a science professor, and he be reproved diperingatkan, when Habib Abdul Qadir was on the right side. After understand and recognize that the students are in the right side, the teacher apologize. However, Habib Abdul Qadir said, "Even if I correct, supposing Excellency beat slave's face with hands Excellency, there is no sense does not receive the least in this self-servant." That is one example of how to pattern a student must be polite bersopan-on teacher .

Teachers Habib Abdul Qadir, among others, Habib Abdullah bin Umar asy-Syatiry, Alwy Habib bin Abdurrahman Al-famed, Habib Abubakar bin Muhammad Assegaf, Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Muhdor, sheik Segaf bin Alaydrus Hasan, Imam Muhammad bin sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kattany, Harridan sheikh Umar bin Al-Magroby, Habib Zain bin Ali Al-Hadi, Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Alatas, Habib Ali bin Muhammad Al-Habsy, sheik Abubakar bin Ahmad al-Khatib, Abdurrahman Bahurmuz sheik.

In the age of the children, he was memorize Al-Quran. Year 1331 H/1912 M, he was entitled to get a certificate and give fatwa religion, among others in the field of law, propaganda, education, and social. This is a gift that Allah SWT has given to the choice of his servants.
But not excessive when one of their teachers, Habib Alwi bin Abdullah bin Syihab, states, "Science fiqih Marga Bilfagih with equivalent knowledge fiqih Imam Adzro'iy, while in the field of mysticism and the literary equivalent not be bordered by sea."

Before leaving town for berdakwah Tarim, in the land of his organization he had established social education Jami'yyatul Ukhuwwah wal Mu'awanah and Jami'yyah An-Nasr Wal Fudho'il 1919 M.

Before emigrated to Australia, Habib Abdul Qadir menyempatkan self berziarah worship and pilgrimage to the tomb of Prophet Muhammad SAW. After that, he continue with the drop in travel and in some cities and countries, such as Aden, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Singapore. At every call on the city, he always builds people, both in general and special education institutions and in the senate taklim.

Arriving in Indonesia precisely in the city of Surabaya 1919 M/1338 H and was appointed as director of the Madrasah Al-Khairiyah. Next, he founded Madrasah Education Institute Ar-Rabithah years in the city of Solo in 1351 H/1931 M.

After living and fulfill the Hajj in Makkah, their return to Indonesia on 12 February 1945 he founded Pondok Pesantren Darul Hadith al-Islam Faqihiyyah Universities and High in the city of Malang. He was appointed as a lecturer on subjects commentary IAIN Malang in 1330 H/1960 M.

Specialties Habib Abdul Qadir is, it is expert knowledge tool, nahwu, sharaf, manthiq, science, Kalam, and ma'any, distinct, and the virus (the last is a three-part study of literature). In the field of hadith, penguasaannya is dirayah and field history, and memorize thousands of hadith. In addition, he obtained many Musalsal al-hadith, history of hadith that are connected directly to the Prophet SAW. Obtaining through this mutual exchange isnad (mutual exchange periwayatan hadith) with Alwy Sayid bin Abas Al-Maliky during a visit to Makkah.

As a theologian who put great care in the world of education, he founded taklim also active in several areas, such as the Institute on Religion Teacher Education Sawangan, Bogor, and Madrasah Darussalam Tegal, Central Java.

Many santrinya who later also jejaknya forward as muballigh and scholars, such as Al-Habib Ahmad Habsy (Ar-Riyadh Ponpes Palembang), Muhammad Habib Ba'abud (Ponpes Darul Nasyi'in Malang), Habib Ali bin Al-sheikh Jufri (Ponpes Al-Khairat East Jakarta), KH Alawy Muhammad (Ponpes At-Taroqy Sampang, Madura). Please mention, Prof.. Dr. Quraish Shihab and Prof.. Dr. Alwi Shihab was boarding this alumnus.

Habib Abdul Qadir died on 21 Jumadil End 1382 H/19 November 1962 in the age of 62 years. Kala last time, he said to his son tunggalnya, Habib Abdullah, "... Behold, O my son. This kakekmu, Muhammad SAW, come. And this is your mother, Fatimah Sayyidatunal, come .... "Thousands of people came to last meyampaikan homage to the jewel of knowledge is mumpuni. After be buried in the Masjid Jami 'event, he dimakamkan the tomb complex Kasin, Malang, East Java.

summarized from manakib any posts Soleh Habib bin Ahmad Alaydrus, teachers Ponpes Darul Hadits Malang, East Java


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