Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Al-‘Atthas

Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Al-‘AtthasSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, June 4, 2009

He is one among a number of waliyullah origin of Hadramaut, he is a great theologian who has extraordinary karamah, reveal him in the Huraidhah, Hadramaut on Tuesday on 19 Ramadan 1257 H/1837 M. Karamahnya a very famous, he is able to see a psychic, while pengelihatan lahiriahnya can not see since penyusuan still in ibundanya, eye disease, he is very violent so blind.

Have that ability since he is still small and elderly, a day he meets an invitation santrinya in Egypt, while sitting with the host, he suddenly asks for an audience open a window because all the windows closed. "Wind outside very fast, "the man said, but Al-Habib Ahmad urged that in the open window. Appeared in the bottom of the child is the host of the struggle against death, tercebur exactly in the pool below the window. Of course the entire audience, especially the host panic, at Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Al-'Atthas cried so people immediately saved, and alhamdulillah the child is safe. That is the one he karamah, able to see something happen with bathin eyes that are not visible by ordinary people.

While still in penyusuan ibundanya he suffered a very sore eye to the vicious blind, ibundanya very sad, and bring their children to the Al-Habib Sholeh bin Abdullah Al-'Atthas one of the great scholars zamannya. The mother placed the baby in front of the tiny, and crying, "what can we do this with a blind child? "Jerit mother.

Al-Habib Sholeh was immediately hold the baby with a sharp memandanginya ago, not long after the prayer and then he said, "This child will get a high position. Society will run under the auspices and keberkahannya, it will reach Her grandfather maqam al-Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Al-'Atthas. "

Hear the words menyejukan that the mother consoled, since then the Al-Habib Ahmad is still a baby get special attention from Al-Habib Sholeh. When viewing a small walk approached Al-Habib Sholeh said with a soft, "heir to welcome sirr (wisdom wisdom) Al-Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Al-'Atthas." (Al-Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Al-Atthas Her grandfather is the great scholars waliyullah composer and Ratib Al-Atthas a very stellar). Then Al-Habib Sholeh lift a small child to diboncengkan in tunggangannya horse.

Since the age of five years Al-Habib Ahmad has been studying mengaji Her grandfather to the other Al-Habib Abdullah, after that he learned the science of religion Faraj bin Umar Sabbah, one of the students Hadun al-Habib bin Ali bin al-Hasan and Al-'Atthas Habib Sholeh bin Abdullah Al-'Atthas is also famed as a theologian.

Like most scholars of Middle Eastern origin, he also has a remarkable mind power, he was able to cram with something once heard. Every time scholars have come to Huraidhah he always use the opportunity to draw from their knowledge. "I always respect and praise of the ulama salaf who came to Kotaku," he said.

All creatures have eyes that are able to see, look, observe, but only the servant of God which is by Allah SWT to close with His eyes get a gift (bashirah). Story of Al-Habib Umar bin Muhammad Al-'Atthas about karamah Al-Habib Ahmad is very interesting, "while still small, I like to play with Al-Habib Ahmad dijalanan, our contemporary age, when I often hear that people chew as guardian and mukasyafah (noun to kasyaf, the ability to see things that no eye kasat) Al-Habib Ahmad. But I have never membuktikannya, "he said.

One day I tried to prove the story of the people. If he was a guardian I akan membenarkannya, but if the only news I'll make it untrue suffering. We dig a hole and we close with the mat, after playing when I arrived on Al-Habib Ahmad race run. He put us right in the middle to the hole that, when the magic is close to the hole he jumps like a deer. At first we think the incident was only coincidence, we were mengajaknya race again, but when in front of the hole until he jumps back when we are aware that he is not a human being, "he said again.

When the age of 17 years he fulfill the Hajj, his arrival in Makkah by the mutually'Allamah General Mufti of Al-Haramain, Sayyid Ahmad Zaini Dahlan, the demand for knowledge menganjurkannya Al-Qur'an to a great theologian in Makkah, Sheikh Ali bin Ibrahim As - Samanudi, after memorize Al-Qur'an Al-Habib Ahmad learn various styles qiraat Al-Qur'an.

When I open the talim in the Masjidil Haram, Sayyid Zaini Dahlan gave the opportunity for him to read Al-Qur'an memorizing it. They are very familiar, often bertadarus together. They also often berziarah to various historical places in Makkah and Medina. In the 1279 H / M about 1859, age 22 years old when he went home and teach and berdakwah in Hadramaut.

Berkhalwat in Huraidhah

Teachers who educate his meritorious among others, Al-Habib Abubakar bin Abdullah Al-'Atthas, Al-Habib Sholeh bin Abdullah Al-'Atthas, Al-Habib Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Alwi Al-Muchdlar, Al-Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Idrus Al-Bar, Al-Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman bin Umar bin Segaf Assegaf and Al-Habib Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Idrus Bilfaqih. Meanwhile, teachers of Makkah and Medina are Al-Habib Muhammad bin Muhammad Assegaf, Al-Habib Fadhl bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin Sahl Muala Dawilah and Sayyid Ahmad Zaini Dahlan.

While the book that he learned (through hearing) with the guidance of Al-Habib Sholeh bin Abdullah Al-'Atthas, among others, Idhahu Asrari Ulumil Muqarrabin, Ar-Risalatul Qusyairiyyah, asy-Syifa 'paper Qadhi' Iyadh, and al-Mukhtashar paper Adzkar Sheikh Muhammad bin Umar Bahraq. Since the act al-Habib Sholeh he did not leave the chamber that, until the guru died in 1279 H / about 1859 M.

In the year 1308 H / M more than in 1888, aged 51 years when he visited Egypt, the four students temani by: Sheikh Muhammad bin Awudh Ba Fadhl, Sholeh bin Abdullah bin Ali Nahdi, El Obeid Flai Ba 'and Sayyid Muhammad bin Yahya bin Utsman Ba Alawi. He was greeted by leading scholars Umar bin Muhammad Ba Junaid. During 20 days in Egypt, he had visited the Islamic Syaikhul Muhammad Al-Inbabiy and other illustrious scholars bebeapa in Cairo.

He continue to travel to Medina to berziarah Makam Rasulullah SAW, worship `Umrah to Makkah, and to Jeddah, Aden, Mukalla, and then go home. In the 1321 H / M about 1901, aged 64 years old when he came to stay over in the Tarim and Seiwun to meet with al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad Al-Ethiopia, composer Maulid Simthud Durrar. When the Al-Habib Ali requested that Al-Habib Ahmad provide diploma to the audience.

At the age of 68 years, he once again fulfill the Hajj, all berziarah to the grave of Rasulullah SAW. Returning from the holy land, he more berkhalwat in Huraidhah, spend the rest of the age to worship and berdakwah. He died Monday night at 6 Rajab 1334 H / M of approximately 1914 in the age of 77 years.

Many of his students who later berdakwah in Indonesia, such as Al-Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman Al-Ethiopia (Kwitang, Jakarta), Al-Habib bin sheikh Salim Al-'Atthas (Sukabumi, West Java), Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abubakar Assegaf (Gresik, East Java), Al-Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad Al Bilfaqih-Alawy (Malang, East Java), and others.

Disarikan glimpse of the book of Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Al-'Atthas, the work of Muhammad Habib Novel Alaydrus, Riyadi son, Solo, 2003.


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