Al-Habib Hasan bin Sholeh Al-Bahr Al-Jufri

Al-Habib Hasan bin Sholeh Al-Bahr Al-JufriSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Nasab he continued until the Messenger of Allah: Al-Bahr Hasan bin Saleh bin Idrus bin Abu Bakr bin Hadi bin Sa'id bin Syeikhon bin Alwi bin Abdullah At-Tarisi bin Alwi bin Abu Bakr Al-Jufri bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Sohib Mirbath Ali Kholi 'Qasam bin Alwi bin Muhammad bin Alwi bin Ubaidillah bin Ahmad Al-Muhajir bin Isa bin Muhammad bin Ali Al-Uraidhi bin Ja'afar As-Shodiq bin Muhammad Al -Baqir bin Ali Zainal Abidin bin Husain bin Fatimah Az-Zahra bin Rasulillah SAW.

Place Kediaman

He was born in the city Kholi 'Rasyid (Houthoh) year 1191H. When the age of 2 years, his father died. He then diasuh and raised by mothers and Her grandfather, Sayid Idrus bin Abu Bakr Al-Jufri, in the city in Dzi Isbah.

Teachers and students

He requires knowledge of a number of scholars in zamannya, for example, Al-Allamah Umar bin Zein bin Smith, Syeikh Abdullah bin Semair, Habib Umar bin Ahmad bin Hassan Al-Haddad and Habib Alwi bin Segaf bin Muhammad bin Umar Assegaf. Syeikh in his Fath (scientific) and inward dhohir is Segaf Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Umar bin Assegaf.

He has students who spread to different corners of the world, east and west. They disseminate science-mysticism and religious knowledge they have learned from Hasan Habib. Never said that there is not a pious, or the student is in the Hadhramaut Sufi who never learned to him. Among the students he is Sayid Hamid bin Umar bin Muhammad bin Segaf Assegaf and Sayid Alwi bin Muhsin bin Segaf Assegaf.

Broad knowledge

He dijuluki Al-Bahr (sea) because of the depth and width in knowledge. When studying the book of Mukhtashor At-Tuhfah directly from the author, Syeikh Ali bin Umar bin Al-Qadhi Baktsiir, he is correct a few things that are written by teachers themselves, the age when he was still under 20 years.

While he is being fulfill the Hajj, mufti Zubaid, Sayid Al-Allamah Abdurrahman bin Sulaiman Al-Ahdal ask him to write an essay that describes the nature of prayer muqarrabin. Request that he kabulkan, and in fact it makes admirable monograph of the ulama and the Sufi in the Hijaz and other cities.

Habib Ahmad Al-Junaid said that he and Habib Hasan visited the residence of Sayid Ahmad bin Idris, a very devout. Habib Ahmad Al-Junaid ago read the book Ar-Rasyafaat, Sayid Ahmad bin Idris also describes the temple and the temple in order to extract the various verses Quran and Hadith of the Prophet SAW. Habib Hasan bin Saleh al-Bahr and read his own, Sholaatul Muqarrabin. After Sholaatul Muqarrabin is finished, Sayid Ahmad said, "You pamphleteer was still alive, then:

Yahiqqu an tudhraba alaihi akbaad ul-ibili
Onta dicambuk stomach rightly so soon can menjumpainya.

"Then I would notify them that the pamphleteer was the person who just read it. However, Hasan Habib mencegahku, "said Habib Ahmad Al-Junaid.

"Perhaps the author simply menyifatkan, does not really have written that," said one of his students Sayid Ahmad bin Idris.

"Diamlah you"

Al-inaa'u yarshahu Bima fihi
Container (only) akan besprinkle content, said Sayid Ahmad bin Idris.


Hasan Habib always cling on sunah Prophet, and try to trace meniti the salafnya. He regularly prayed various sunah: Prayer and Prayer sunah rawatib other sunah. Start from khusuf Prayer and Prayer kusuf until tahiyyatul mosque. Prayer from sunnatul wudhu, dhuha 8 rakaat, awwabiin 20 rakaat, tahajjud in most of the night to pray witir 11 rakaat at the end of the night. All this he did with the earnest: the day or night, when the city and when traveling, when sick or healthy. Ill never loosen his spirit worship. When arriving at worship, as if he recovered from illness. However, so worship dikerjakannya finished, he looked weak again. He always prayed five times with the congregation.

He usually read the Qur'an in Prayer tahajjudnya every night. Kla sometimes entire Quran in one khatamkan he rakaat. During his life he did not leave fast David, both in the summer and cold, while in the city and when traveling, when sick or healthy. He often read Surah Yasin once as many as 40 times in one session, and in one or two rakaat. In between he is wirid read Surah Al-Ikhlas 000 times as many as 90 in one rakaat.

He fulfill the Hajj more than 7 times. He very often circumambulate in the middle of the night darkness, while reading the Quran till dawn, sometimes in the night he mengkhatamkannya.

At the time dhuha, Wednesday 23 Dzul Qa'dah 1273H he died in Dzi Isbah, and dimakamkan near the graves of his mother, in the center built a musholla which is located on the side of the house.

Nature Rahmatnya

Here is the story sekelumit show magnanimity and affection on him being God.

First story

One day a village resident to report to him, that a dog has made onar. Dogs that eat a small animal animal-cultured them. Hear complaints that he said, "Dogs that behave so because you do not menelantarkan and gave him food. Kemarikan the dog, and give food to satiety. "

Village residents and then bring the dog home to Hasan Habib. They put the dog in the cage and gave him lunch and dinner. Habib Hasan put great attention on the dog, and every day always just ask him to the adjuvant.

Both stories

After Friday prayers at a mosque in the city Syibam, behold, a bird that is still a small drop to the floor of the nest on the roof of the mosque. See her son fall, the parent birds yell bloody murder. The situation was so melt Habib Hasan so he did not repress the power of his eyes water. Cheek with a wet by tears, Hasan Habib Jamaah a request that was in the mosque to come out to provide the opportunity for the parent to be able to freely bring their children back to the nest.

Third story

On the wedding day one of puterinya, as customary in the area, the village residents to prepare various types of food and meat for dinner entourage besan. When they are awaiting the return of the entourage, Hasan Habib melongok out the window. Under the house floor, he saw the throng.

"Who congregate in front of the door," a curious Hasan Habib.

"They are a people in need of forward-smoke the rest of the dinner," answered one of them.

Ago, he immediately ordered to invite and entertain the poor that. He reminded that food is prepared for the entourage, and they can not be set up instead as a very limited time. However, he said, "No problem, hidangkanlah the food."

They can not reject the request Habib Hasan. Foods that are prepared to welcome the troupe, eventually given to the poor.

Mutiara nasihatnya

Indeed, in heaven there is no remorse, only they feel shame on the glory and goodness given by God. If compared with nimat they receive in heaven, the exhaustion of the world during their pointless.

Is about the pleasure, of goodness be imagined that life is good and there are only in obedience to God.

If you can not do with the body members, such as: Prayer, Prayer sunah and others, then you can still do obedience oral, such as: dzikir, amar ma'aruf and may nahi. Engku and if obedience can not do oral, then you can still take heart obedience, for example: single-minded, patient, zuhud, redha, love, gratitude, and others.


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