Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husein Ba’abud

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husein Ba’abudSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Habib Muhammad, so he always disapa, known as the Habib teachers in the area of Malang, and surrounding areas. Because He is the first time to open the boarding of the habaib in 1940. Can be ascertained, not Darun Nasyiien the establishment in Lawang, Malang, is boarding the habaib the first in Indonesia. Even if many of the institutions that stand habib before, usually just shaped madrasah, not boarding. Already many more uncounted alumnus Darun Nasyiien which the scholars across the country. Average they always wave the flag Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Alawiyin in a la Thariqah where they are.

Name Habib Muhammad bin Husain Ba'abud also never lost the hearts of Muslims of the city of Malang. Until now. Small Surabaya period in Al-Ustadz Habib Muhammad bin Husain was born in the area of Masjid Ampel Surabaya. Precisely in a family home, about 20 meters from the Masjid Ampel, on the evening of Wednesday 9 Dzulhijjah 1327 h. According to the story ayahandanya (Habib Husein), akan at birth, he ibunda (Syarifah Ni'mah) have difficulty to make them swoon. Habib Husein rushing to the house of Habib Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Yahya. Habib Abu Bakr to provide water given to the wife. Not long after diminumkannya water, and with the power of God, Syarifah Ni'mah birth safely. Habib Abu Bakar aqiqah order to be implemented with two goats, accompanied the message that do not have the time to invite someone walimah, except relatives Syarifah Ni'mah. Terlaksanalah walimah attended by Habib Abu Bakr. He also gave the name of Muhammad, along with reading do'a-Fatihah and do'a of his. At the age of 7 years old, Muhammad Habib berkhitan. Ayahandanya a large scale with walimah invite relatives.

After dikhitan, Habib Husein include her son was to Mu'allim Madrasah al-Abdullah al-Maskati al-Kabir, in accordance with the hint of Habib Abu Bakr. Akan but feel their children do not get many of the madrasah. Not long after learning, to include Habib Husein Al-Madrasah Khoiriyah, also in the area Ampel. Lessons in Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah that time was not as expected, due to the absence of the ability of the pengajarnya enough. Habib Muhammad also feel less get a lesson. But after four in the class, terbukalah the heart, especially after the arrival of the teachers from the Tarim, Hadramaut.

Among teachers is Qodir Abdul Habib bin Ahmad Bilfaqih and Abdulloh Habib Hasan bin al-Kaf. There are also other teachers who have sufficient ability, such as Abdurrohman Habib bin Nahsan bin Syahab. Habib Muhammad, the spirit of science in the draw was increasing, mainly due to the attention of Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muhdlor. Habib Muhammad felt the blessing of the views and do'a-do'a Habib Muhammad al-Muhdlor in the senate rouhah (theory) it. Habib Muhammad menghadirinya is very diligent and have read some books in front of him, also bernasyid Rosyafaat composition Abdurrohman bin Habib Abdulloh Bilfaqih with as-Saiyid Ali bin Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Yahya. Habib Muhammad al-Muhdlor dote and he often mendo'akannya. When Habib Muhammad felt that was getting futuh, and also benefit from the blessed knowledge.

Habib Muhammad increasingly thirsty with science subjects in the Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah. In the middle of the study that he often replaces the teachers teach, when they come berudzur. Until fate finally came good on education after almost six years. At the end of education, students who pass receive a graduation diploma. Ijazah was distributed directly by al-Habib Muhammad Muhdlor. Habib Muhammad appeared to occupy the first rank, of all students who pass the time. At the same time, al-Habib Muhammad Muhdlor endow a day bag brand Sima him. Happiness when the growing al-Habib Muhammad Muhdlor-Wipe the head and chest while still mendo'akannya. In the same time, Habib bin Ahmad bin Agil Agil (madrasah organizer) let you know that Muhammad Habib in the year that will raise to the teachers in Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah, place during this study. Besides teaching in the morning and afternoon Madrasah Al-Khoiriyah, Muhammad Habib also give religious lectures in various places. He also diligently to translate the lecture-the lecture mubaligh Islam who came from abroad, such as Syeikh Abdul Alim-Shiddiqi ash from India, etc..

H in the year 1348, exactly 22 Robi'utsani Thursday afternoon, ayahanda he menikahkannya with Syarifah Aisyah binti Saiyid Husain bin Muhammad Bilfaqih. Act as guardian marriage is his wife, siblings, Saiyid Husein bin Syeikh Bilfaqih that has to deputize Qodli Arab aqd in Surabaya that time, namely Habib Ahmad bin Hasan bin Smith. Walimatul ursy his wife at home, Nyamplungan Gg IV Surabaya. In this wedding mengaruniainya Allah SWT has six sons and eight daughters. They are Syifa ', Muznah, Ali, Khodijah, Sidah, Hasyim, Fathimah, Abdulloh, Abdurrohman, Alwi, Mary Alwiyah, Nur and Ibrohim. Switch to Malang Jumadil End In 1359 H, coinciding with the July 1940, Muhammad Habib with his family moved to Lawang, Malang. This district in the city he founded pondok pesantren and madrasah Darun Nasyiien, which authorized the establishment of the fall in H Rojab 1359, coinciding with the 5 August 1940. The establishment of the first hut itupun attention of outstanding scholars from the public land and Java. Some even came from outside deliberately Java. Several months after living in Lawang, ayahanda from Surabaya (Habib Husein) consecutive Lawang and moved to live with him.

When the Japanese colonizers came, Muhammad Habib had moved to live. Start from Karangploso, Simping, to Bambangan, which all still around Lawang. Activities mengajarnya also had to stop about 17 minutes, because at that time Japan ordered to close all schools and madrasah in all areas jajahannya. When the Dutch came back to colonize a second time, the madrasah had closed again for three months, considering that it is dangerous to the security at the time. Then since 1 April 1951, Muhammad Habib sekeluarga back to Jl. Pandowo until the end of hayatnya. Precisely in the house number 20, behind which there is a shack boarding, along with rooms santri, built a musholla Baitur Rohmah and classroom space-a good enough. At that time the committee as a trusted development architecture is at once his eldest son, Habib Ali bin Muhammad Ba'abud. Habib Muhammad rahmatullah to die on Wednesday at 10:20 on 18 Dzulhijjah 1413 h, coinciding with the 9 June 1993. Deceased corpse transported by many people to the funeral Bambangan, Lawang. Dimakamkan ago ayahanda on the side of the cemetery and he brother. Rohimahullohu rohmatal abror. Wa askannahul jannata Darul qoror. Tajri min tahtihal anhar. Aamiin ya Allohu ya Ghofuru ya Ghoffar.

A testament left by Muhammad Habib have some magic left by Muhammad Habib eligible direnungkan by Muslims anywhere.

Among wasiatnya that is,

1. Let them run-Sunna Sunna leader behavior or the messengers of Allah, Muhammad SAW Saiyidina, and should also follow the Sunna and the Caliph who have obtained the (al-Khulafaur Rosyidin). Whoever is not able to run all of that, at least not out of or depart from the road or the instructions Salafus Sholih, that is the ancestor of us and sholeh terbukti kewaliannya. And not get too taufiq hidayat for it all, at least he should meneladani to me, that is meneladani in ibadahku and khalwatku, also in the draw away from most people, along with a good perlakuanku against children and the great men and women, far and near, often without having to congregate or socialize much, and without each other and do not care or hate-hate each other.

2. Also should be very careful in hostile and disagree with everyone, in whatever and however.

3. Always ask God to love, or myself, and forgiveness for the istighfar read in accordance with the capacity of each on every time, especially in the days Asyura, Rajab and the month Ramadlan, Hajj, especially in the month where Allah SWT predestine akan wafatku.

4. Tighten belt at, for at that very giving effect to the keberkahan rizqi and one for someone dipanjangkannya age. Silaturohmi the show magnanimity character and get good marks in a day later. So be careful of your relationship rope decided, because it is a despicable act and it is very poignant siksanya. Silaturohmi someone decided that it was cursed, according to al-Quran nash and indicates that the faith is weak, people will not be cut off at heaven and smell the smell kesialannya lick on their neighbors. So strap sambunglah brotherhood, for rohim strap that depends on one tiangnya Throne of Allah SWT.

5. So that many beristikharah and deliberation in all things, and should always take the road of caution. Although the substance is careful not to get someone's destiny and God's provision, but will not be running for the left. Precisely because it is testament to the message or advice, and the required and recommended, because all that is in one of the men to invite God and invites them to happiness and salvation of the world hereafter.

May Allah SWT lavish love on those who love to give advice, and reply to them with the abundant goodness, and hope that Allah Ta'ala taufiq give him to us.


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