Al-Habib Al-Qutub Abubakar Bin Muhammad Assegaf

Al-Habib Al-Qutub Abubakar Bin Muhammad AssegafSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Al-Habib Al-Qutub Abubakar bin Muhammad Assegaf Besuki born in the city, East Java, in the year 1285 H. Since he has little left by his father, who died in the city of Gresik. In the year 1293 H, Habib Abubakar and Hadramaut due to depart to meet his request grandmother, Fatimah bint Abdullah Syaikhah 'Allan.

He departed that accompanied the al-Mukarram Muhammad Bazmul. Sesampainya there, he was greeted by my uncle, as well as their teachers, namely Abdullah bin Umar Assegaf, along with his family. Then he lived in the residence of Al-Arif Billah Al-Habib Umar bin bin Syeikh Saggaf Assegaf.

Seiwun in the city, he studied science and mysticism to figih uncle Al-Habib Abdullah bin Umar Assegaf. Hiduplah he was under the guidance of their teachers. He dibiasakan even by their teachers for the night and wake up to pray tahajud although age he is still small. In addition to the act uncle, he also take the knowledge from the great scholars who were there. Among his teachers there, including:

Al-Qutub Al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad Alhabsyi

Al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad Assegaf

Al-Habib Umar bin Idrus Alhabsyi

Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan Alatas

Al-Habib Al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdurrahman Almasyhur (Hadramaut General Mufti at that time).

Al-Habib bin Idrus Syeikh Alaydrus

Al-Habib Ali Al-Qutub bin Muhamad Alhabsyi really have to see signs of greatness in themselves and Habib Abubakar will have to be a high position. Al-Habib Ali Alhabsyi said to a student, "Look at them, 3 min auliyaillah guardian, as their name, their same situation, and position them the same. The first, already is in the nature barzakh, namely Al-Habib Al-Qutub Abubakar bin Abdullah Alaydrus. The second, you have ever been seen at the time you are still small, namely Al-Habib Al-Qutub Abubakar bin Abdullah Alatas. And the third, you will see at the end of life. "

Age when students are aged tread dusk, he saw a dream of the Prophet SAW 5 times within 5 consecutive nights. In the dream, the Prophet SAW said to him, "(there is truth) for those who see me in every time you see. With thee we have grandchildren who sholeh, namely Abubakar bin Muhammad Assegaf. See it. "

These students have never seen before Habib Abubakar, except in the dreams. After that he remember the words of their teachers, Al-Habib Ali Alhabsyi, "Look at them, 3 min guardian auliyaillah ...". Not long after the incident that dream, he also died, exactly as diisyaratkan by Al-Habib Ali that he would see Habib Abubakar at the end of the age.

After the science there, in the year 1302 H, he was finally back to the island with Habib Alwi bin Saggaf Assegaf, and the city Besuki. He is the start mensyiarkan dakwah Islamiyyah in the community. Then in the year 1305 H, the age he is still 20 years old, he moved to the city of Gresik.

In Java, beliaupun still take advantage of science and scholars-scholars who were there at that time, among which are:

Al-Habib Abdullah bin Muhsin Alatas (Bogor)

Al-Habib Abdullah bin Ali Alhaddad (died in Jombang)

Al-Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Thalib Alatas (Pekalongan)

Al-Habib Al-Qutub bin Abubakar Umar Bin Yahya (Surabaya)

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi (Surabaya)

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad Almuhdhor (died in Surabaya)

One day at the Friday prayer, ilhaamat rabbaniyyah came to him to learn self-uzlah and insulate themselves from the mundane crowd and godaannya, overlooking Ilahiah greatness, pro-tawajjuh to Nature, the Creator, and his greatness of his name in the silence . This he did with patience and fortitude.

Time is also running for the time, so do not feel it has been 15 years. He also finally get permission to exit uzlahnya, through his cue from the teacher, namely Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi. Said Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi, "We are seeking and pro-tawajjuh to God for 3 nights in succession to remove Abubakar bin Muhammad Assegaf of uzlahnya." Once out of the uzlahnya, he accompanied with the Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi berziarah to the Al-Imam Al-Habib Alwi bin Muhammad Hasyim Assegaf.

Postwar pilgrimage, with the teacher that he go directly to the city of Surabaya and the layover in-residence Al Habib Abdullah bin Umar Assegaf. Surabaya is also community-berbondong crowd welcomed his arrival at the house. Not long after, Al-Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi said to the audience who were there while pointing to the Habib Abubakar, "He is a treasury of the treasury Ba'alawi family. We membukakannya to human power, both special and general. "

Since it opened Habib Abubakar Majlis taklim and dzikir in kediamannya in the city of Gresik. Community is welcome to spread the religion he so enthusiastically. Dakwah ... he widespread propaganda that full knowledge and sincere, merely seeking ridhallah. In majlisnya, he at least has mengkhatamkan book Ihya Ulumiddin as much as 40 times. And he is a habit, every time dikhatamkannya reading the book, and he invited the public to the reception.

He was a ghirahnya so high in the street, attributes and character and family Salafnya Saadah Bani Alawi. Majlis he always full of mudzakarah and irsyad onto the preceding para. Majlis he never empty from reading their books. This is his attention to keep the thoriqah salafnya and try to run over ... qadaman ala qadamin bi jiddin auza'i.

That's what he did during hayatnya, invite people to the greatness of God. Time for the switch, up to a time where God calls. It's the end of last hayatnya, he is doing fasting for 15 days, and after that he was facing haribaan divine. He died in the year 1376 H at the age of 91 years. Jasad he be buried next to the mosque, Jami, Gresik.

Although he has to die rahmatillah, Kalam-Kalam, he is still sound and imprint in the hearts of the pendengarnya. Morals, morals, he still carve deep impression in the eyes of those who view it. These particulars he still chase the beauty of faith in the lives of pecintanya.

Radhiyallahu anhu wa ardhah ...


Manaqib Al-Habib Al-Qutub Abubakar bin Muhammad Assegaf.

Scholars of Islam in Indonesia and its surroundings, Syamsu Muhammad Assegaf.


A religious journey to a beloved of God maqom Shiddiqiyyah KUBRO

He is Al-Imam al-Quthbul Fard al-Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakar bin Umar bin al-Habib Umar bin Segaf as-Segaf (a priest in the Valley of the Al-Ahqof). Lineage that he is holy continue to scholars continued to empty each other's leaders to the people of today and the future, a beloved nan noble Prophet Muhammad SAW He was born in Besuki village (one of the region in the area of East Java) in 1285 H. Ayahanda he ra. died in the city of Gresik, while he was still a child.

Surely al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr as-grown Segaf great care and care in the perfect. Guardian of goodness and light appear to have radiated from wrinkle and pucker-face, up-to Ra at his age to 3 years-able recall the events that have occurred on the itself. All is not because power (strength) and his spiritual purity, and kesiapannya to receive the grace and flow Fath (The curtain hearts) of them.

In the year 1293 H, at the request of his grandmother who sholehah Fatimah bint Abdullah (Ibunda his father), he is accompanied by wander Mukaram Muhammad al-Bazamul to leave the land of birth Hadramaut Java. When al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr as-Segaf akan Sewun up in the city, he is welcome in the border city by his uncle as well as a teacher of al-Allamah Abdullah bin Umar and its relatives. And the first dilantunkan by the temple qosidah uncle al-Habib al-sheikh Arifbillah bin Umar bin Segaf one of the most pious anchor and a pride in their time. And when he has to be embraced by dicium and uncle. Said in evasion not hold the excitement over the return of nephew and face shape to see which emit light and the guardian of goodness berderailah tears of happiness over the colored uncle.

Heart of the person have the sharpness of sight
Able to see what is not seen by the power of spectator.

Truly, the pupil's attention and uncle have been bear good results in the self-nephew. He was the uncle to learn al-Habib Abdullah bin Umar science of fiqh and mysticism, the uncle was like membangunkannya at the end of the night when he was still a child in order to fulfill tahajjud to pray together, al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr Assegaf have any relationship very strong in the draw knowledge from the scholars and leaders of Hadramaut. Surely they (the scholars), has lavish attention on al-Habib bin Abu Bakr Muhammad Assegaf. He ra. Many memparoleh and receive their diploma's. Among the leading scholars of Hadramaut devote his attention to, is the al-Imam al-Arifbillah al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad al-Ethiopia, (a teacher who devote full attention to the al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr Assegaf).

Habib Ali has been seriously put to the attention of al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr Assegaf ever since he was still domiciled in before leaving the Hadramaut.

Al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad al-Ethiopia said to one of his students seniornya "Look! They smth is the guardian, the name, haliyah, and maqom (position) they are the same. The first is penuntunku later barzakh in nature, he is Quthbul Mala al-Habib bin Abu Bakr Abdullah al-Aidrus, the second, when I see you are still small, he is al-Habib al-Ghoust Abu Bakr bin Abdullah al-Atthos, and The third you will see later on their own at the end of life. "

But when entering the final year of age, he dreamed to see SAW Rosulullah five times in succession for five nights, while each time the SAW in a dream He said to him (the person who dreamed) "Look at sampingmu, there cucuku the sholeh Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf "! Previous people who dreamed not know al-Habib Abu Bakar Assegaf except after Rosul Mightiness introduced by al-Musthofa SAW in the dream. So he will remark al-Habib Ali bin Muhammad al-Ethiopia where he once said, "They do smth is the guardian, the name and position them together." After that he (the person who dreamed) recounts the dreams of al-Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr Assegaf and not long after he died.

Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf get special attention and supervision from a special teacher al Habib Ali bin Muhammad al-Ethiopia-up to Habib Ali himself who make a beliu and menikahkannya. Furthermore (amongst masyayikhnya) is al Allamah al Habib Abdullah bin Umar Assegaf as syaikhut Tarbiyah, al Quthb al Imam al Habib bin Muhammad Al-Idrus syaikhut taslik as Ethiopia, also al Mukasyif al Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad bin Quthban as syaikhul Fath. Teachers are often the last to give a good news to him "You are the heir to haliyah kakekmu al Habib Umar bin Segaf". The many of the scholars and the guardians of the nation sholihin Hadramaut good that came from Sewun, Tarim and others who became a teacher of Abu Bakr Al Habib bin Muhammad Assegaf, such as al Habib Ali bin Muhammad Assegaf, Idrus Al Habib Umar bin al-Ethiopia , Al Habib bin Ahmad Hasan al-Atthas, al-Habib Abdurrahman al distinguished, he is also the son of al Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman al-famed, and the sheikh al Habib bin Idrus al-Idrus and more of his other teachers.

In the year 1302 H, accompanied by al Habib Alwi bin Segaf Assegaf Habib Abu Bakr al Assegaf ketanah home birth (Java) precisely in Besuki village. Then in the year 1305 H, when he was aged 20 years, he moved to the city of Gresik while science continues to draw and ask for the certificate of the scholars into the country-ray torch Pertiwi Indonesia, just call al Habib Abdullah bin Muhsin al-Atthas, Abdullah bin Al Habib Ali al-Haddad, al Habib Ahmad bin Abdullah al-Atthas, al Habib Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Al-Yahya, Al Habib bin Muhammad Al-Idrus Ethiopia, Al Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muhdlar, and others.

Then in the year 1321 H, precisely on Friday when the preacher standing over his lectern ra get inspiration from Allah SWT bergeming in his heart to insulate themselves from all human. Terbukalah his heart to do so, immediately after his exit from bergeming jami mosque 'go home kediamannya. He is Abu Bakr Al Habib bin Muhammad Assegaf pro-uzlah or seclusion (self-exile) of the men for five years before the divine Rabbi bersimpuh. But when the time comes for God to allow him out of the khalwatnya, his teacher Al Habib bin Muhammad Al-Idrus mendatanginya Ethiopia and beckon to him to end the period khalwatnya, Muhammad al Habib al-Ethiopia said "during the three days we bertawajjuh and ask God to so that Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf exit khalwatnya ", then he menggandeng al Habib Abu Bakar Assegaf and remove it from the khalwatnya. Then, still accompanied Muhammad al Habib al-Ethiopia he menziarahi ra al Habib Alawi bin Muhammad Hasyim, after the coast to the city of Surabaya to the residence of Al Habib Umar bin Abdullah Assegaf. While pointing to the Al Habib Muhammad bin Abu Bakr al Assegaf Habib Muhammad bin al-Idrus Ethiopia proclaim to the audience "This is Abu Bakr Al Habib bin Muhammad Assegaf murtiara including valuable savings from the family Ba 'Alawi, we can open it in order to transmit the benefits for all human ".

After that he opened ta'lim dirumahnya Majlis, he became pengayom for the berziarah also as a central (the reference) for all groups throughout the corner, anyone who have any meaning to him with the basic husnudz dzan akan he would reach desires within a relatively short. In his own house, Abu Bakr al Habib bin Muhammad Assegaf has menghatamkan book Ihya 'Ulumuddin more than 40 times. At each time, he always hatam serve a special feast. Abu Bakr al Habib Assegaf truly have ghirah (enthusiastic) menapaki in the big events and akhlaq the aslaf (preceding), as evidenced in the Majlis dibacanya with his history and scriptures of the fruit aslafnya.

The maqom (position) Al Habib bin Abu Bakr Muhammad Assegaf, he has reached the level Shiddiqiyah KUBRO. Indeed, it has been recognized and the legitimacy of those who live with him sezaman. Here are some comments from them.

al Imam al Habib Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Muhdhar said,

"By the dawn and ten nights and the odd and even. Surely al Akh Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf Segaf family is the pearl, which continues to revolve (maqomnya) membumbung even higher maqom follow-maqom the aslafnya ".

Al Habib Alwi bin Muhammad al-Haddad said,

"Indeed, al Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf was Quthb al Ghaust also decrease as the view (mercy) of Allah SWT."

Al Arif billah al Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman al-Ethiopia had said in the house of Abu Bakr al Habib Assegaf dikala he put him between the ropes Ukhuwah with Abu Bakr al Habib Assegaf, meeting with the colored water pitapat eyes. Habib Ali said to the audience when the

"Look to my brother fillah Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf. Look at it ..! So to see him, including worship "

Al-Habib Muhammad bin Husain al-Haddad said,

"Indeed, al Habib Abu Bakr bin Muhammad Assegaf was a caliph. He is the ruler at this time, the young are Maqom as Syuhud capable witness (to know) from the heart of all things. He has the right to say "He is just a slave that we gave him (as a favor)."


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